Whitelaw & Company, Inc.’s Total Market Modeling


We Help Corporate Decision-Makers Protect & Improve their Bottom Line


Based on innovative analysis and practical experience, Whitelaw & Company, Inc.’s custom-built profit prediction models determine the most influential determinants of customer choice. They provide accurate prediction of future profits for any market – taking into account the channels of distribution, competing brands, consumer preferences, and other market factors.

Our unique models help CEOs, CFOs, as well as sales, marketing and product development teams instantly generate multiple analytical “what-if” scenarios for day-to-day planning, testing significant changes across brands, and discovering ways to increase bottom line both short and long term.

Our models have realized hundreds of millions of dollars in cost savings and/or new revenues for clients by instantly running the numbers using “smart” factors that no other modeling systems can currently replicate. We have built more than 200 profit models for Fortune 500 companies in the consumer goods, telecommunications and consumer electronics industries.


“Smart” Factors Set Us Apart

Our unique models are based on a wide array of “smart factors,” including primary research from consumers, financial data, current market conditions, and proprietary techniques to increase accuracy. Models can be dynamically linked to other models such as ROMI (return on marketing investment) models, to provide an even more comprehensive predictive model.


Best Prediction Tools Available For Corporate Decision-makers

Corporate decision-makers can run the numbers on single known elements such as price changes, new products, anticipated actions by competitors, changes in costs, and changes in distribution. The results can show changes in each SKU’s revenue, total revenue, each SKU’s profit, total profit, unit volume by SKU or overall. Results can be sub-divided into geographic areas, market segments and distribution channels. Our models will also show projections over any designated period of time: monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Our Market Simulator

Our powerful modeling engine maps entire industries and provides highly accurate results that read as easily as any Excel spreadsheet.

Our consumer-based models can test the future impact of potential changes to the marketing mix. The models first predict future volume, and then the incremental profit that will result from that volume. The predictions include the direct effects of marketing mix changes, as well as the indirect effects—noticeably the cannibalization of all packages in the market. Additionally, it can show how pricing affects profitability for a variety of market segments, including socio-economic, use occasion, channel, region, age group, and brand preference.

Whitelaw & Company’s global clients include: AT&T, Coca-Cola, Command Audio, MCI, Mitsubishi Consumer Electronics, Nokia, Orange, Telefonica, and Telia.

Stop Guessing and Get Ahead of Trends

  • Annual Planning: project marketshare and be strategic
  • Pricing: change prices up or down and still increase revenue
  • New Products: introduce new packages without cannibalizing other products
  • M&A: find and evaluate M&A opportunities, and predict profit and share results
  • Volume and Profit: growth while minimizing loss

Profit isn’t just a number: there’s short-term and long-term profit. There’s profit that can be sustained, and profit that is transitory. Some profit is insulated from customer or consumer trends, while some profit could disappear with something as simple as a change in tariffs or a shift in consumer sentiment. Our models can help you to engineer your profitability so that it fits your corporate goals.

Management of change

Every change in the business environment can be an opportunity. When an industry is faced with an unexpected change, the company with the best tools is the most likely to survive.

We can give you the best tools.